About Me

My name is Cody and my journey with photography began in the nostalgic era of film, capturing the essence of life through my junior high and high school years. This early fascination blossomed into a lifelong pursuit, seamlessly transitioning from the tangible grains of film to the limitless horizons of digital photography as I ventured into adulthood.

My heart lies in the art of landscape photography, where I’ve always found a unique joy in the play of light and shadow, often leaning towards the dramatic flair of black and white, high-contrast imagery. However, my camera is more than just a tool for capturing the natural world. It’s my companion in storytelling, unveiling the silent narratives of abandoned houses and forgotten shops scattered across the city and countryside.

With every work trip, my camera is my constant travel partner, always at the ready to freeze a moment in time. Whether it’s the rugged beauty of a landscape or the poignant stillness of a deserted building, each photograph is a piece of a larger story, waiting to be told.

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